Melt the Almond bark in the microwave in a small bowl. I usually do 60, 30 and then 15 second increments stirring between each until smooth.
Place an Oreo in the melted Almond bark. Flip it using a large fork. Ensure the cookie is completely coated. Keeping the fork tines level, gently tap the handle of the fork on the rim of the bowl. Use a straight up and down motion so the cookie doesn’t slide off of the fork. This will give a nice smooth coating on top of the cookie. Place the cookie on a piece of wax or parchment paper.
To build the face start with the nose. Place a Candy corn right in the middle of the cookie.
Next, two regular Chocolate Chips, pointy end down, for the eyes just above the Candy corn.
Now, place 6 Mini Chocolate Chips beneath the Candy corn to make a smile.