Hi there! My name is Tiffany and I am the crazy writer behind Living Sweet Moments. A blog created to showcase my delicious recipes, family trips, traveling and more.
My passion for cooking started when I was very young. As a little girl, I used to watch my grandmother cook and was mesmerized with all her dishes, especially her wonderful cakes.
When I got older, I started making my own recipes and even did a year of catering. I now have a Culinary Arts Degree from Le Cordon Blue in Miami as well as a Baking Degree from IEPAN in Venezuela.

Baking with my Grandma
I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Which has given me the wisdom to create a few parenting posts. The vast majority of tips I’ve learned from raising my girls.

Mikey the Fat Cat
I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela and now call Miami home where I live my husband, 2 beautiful girls, and Mikey the fat lazy cat. We love spending time together as a family, whether it’s cooking, playing or running around in the park.

My family
My favorite food in the whole wide world is BREAD. Can’t live without it! Especially the ones that are super crusty or soft Challah Bread. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Lately, due to jeans buttons popping, I have toned it down and my cravings for bread have never been higher.
Hope you can find inspiration and some “sazon” with my recipes. Buen Provecho!!
Here are 10 facts about me:
1- I prefer sweets to savory
2- I have a slight caffeine and sugar addiction (working on my 12 steps)
3- My favorite TV Show are Mad Men, Sense8 and The Crown
4- I hate wearing sneakers
5- I met my husband right on the beach and he moved to Miami to be with me
6- I am so bad a drawing and coloring, that my daughters do a better job than me
7 – I am a leftie and a Capricorn
8- I gained 15 lbs while attending Bakery school. The best 15 lbs of my life!
9- I used to hide jelly beans in my car until my husband found them
10 – I read a story to my girls every night. Right now they are obsessed with Greek Mythology
If you have any questions, please contact me at tiffany(at)livingsweetmoments.com