F#%$& The Simple Life – I love My Overly Complicated Life
First of all, I apologize for the foul language in my post title. If I would’ve used the word “fudge” you would think it’s a recipe 😉 So, again sorry if I may offended anyone. My blog is intended to be family friendly, this is just a small rant from a little Latin woman in Miami.
Second, let’s talk about the simple life. A lot of people I talk to, strive for the ultimate goal: retire and live the “simple” life. What does that mean? Take naps in a Hammock? Take on gardening? Is the only worry to keep the bunnies and squirrels away from your crop? If that’s the simple life then shoot me now! While I respect people who actually want this, it’s not for me. And here’s why:
I have BIG dreams. Ever since I was little, my overly-developed imagination has filled my head with huge dreams and aspirations. I am a practical and realistic gal and know that the majority of my dreams will never happen, but shooting them down from the beginning it’s not an option. I want to MAKE IT. Travel around the world, taste every cuisine, visit every museum available and take it all in. That’s why the idea of the hammock and the bunnies just creeps me out.
These things are not part of my bucket list. They are not specific actions but more of a general idea on how to live my life. In order to achieve those big dreams I have to work hard and keep on praying that somehow I will run a successful enterprise or pray that my hubby does 😉
I was told to always go for for the moon and the worst it can happen is that I land on the stars. I really hope that’s true, if not, I’ll start looking at Hammock prices! Kidding aside, I am grateful for everything I have. My family, my life, my blog and my fat cat. That’s why I stop and smell the roses every once in a while. But my desire to go big, to make it, is always there. I guess that’s why I like living Sweet Moments.
So how about you? Are you a fan or simple? or complicated?
I’d say I’m not a fan of either one. I’d like a life with simple thoughts (I don’t hang onto misfortunes for long) but with challenges to make life better every day. A dull life is where I don’t thrive or make people around me happy.
I like your take on it Mai. Thanks for sharing
I agree that working hard is what gives you the good life…I mean if I were bored as you spoke of gardening and such blahhh I’d go crazy!!
lol Dana! Happy New Year!
Oh, totally my point of view! I can’t stay in one place. I need to move, to improve, to do something, to travel, to achieve goals… I can’t live the simple life, too… It would be so boring…