When trying to save money on your household bills you may come to a point when you feel like you cannot save any more. Look again and think about trying to save on your water bill. There are many little tricks that you can do to help you save when you feel like there is no room for improvement. Try these helpful hints and come back in a month or two and let me know if your water bill has dropped.
In The Kitchen
- When cleaning fruits and veggies save your water and use to water your houseplants.
- Run the dishwasher only when it is completely full.
- Let your frozen foods defrost in the fridge overnight instead of using the running cold water method.
- When washing the dishes fill your first sink half full with hot soapy water and your second sink half full with hot rinse water. Do not stand there and leave the water running full blast the whole time you are washing dishes. This uses more water than you think.
- Keep a pitcher filled with water in your refrigerator for drinking water instead of running the tap every time you need a drink.
- Use the least amount of water when boiling something in the kitchen. Drain and reserve this water and use it to water your houseplants or outdoor potted plants.
- The garbage disposal in the kitchen can use a ton of water. Use it sparingly or better yet start composting!
In the Bathroom
- Take shorter showers…shortening them even by a few minutes can help you save on your water bill.
- Check your toilet for leaks by adding food coloring to the toilet tank. If a leak is present you should see it in the bowl within 30 minutes. Fixing these leaks is fairly simple; just ask your local hardware store for help.
- Don’t let your water run down the drain while waiting for the water to get hot. Put the stopper in immediately and adjust the hot water after it starts filling up a bit. Filling the bath up only 1/3 of the way will make a big difference when trying to save on your water bill.
- Partially fill the sink instead of letting the water run while shaving or washing your face.
- Cut down on the amount of times that you flush the toilet. Use the trash can for toilet paper that is used for blowing your nose or wiping up spills instead of flushing them.
In the Laundry Room
- Consider buying a water conserving front loading washing machine.
- Make sure you adjust the water level to the amount of clothes you have in the washing machine or better yet only wash clothes when you have a full load.
- Try re-using your towels when bathing. Keep a different color for each member of your household and have them hang it to dry in between uses.
- Keep your hot water heater on a little cooler setting. This may not save you in the water department but can drastically cut down on your energy bill.
- Collect rain water to water your plants. Use a barrel or bucket under your downspout or gutter.
- Water your grass in the evening to cut down on evaporation from the hot sun.
- Use soaker hoses to water your flower gardens and plants. This gets the water directly on the spot where needed.
- Put mulch around your plants to help hold the moisture in and cut down on the amount of times you plants will need watering.
- When the heat is high and your kids MUST play in water outside to keep cool. Try only filling there wading pool halfway and turning the hose down on low with the sprinkler to help save on your water bill.
What are ways that you have learned to save on your water bill at your home?
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